Adobe Pubblica Amministrazione (Ita)
INAIL, Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione Infortunio sul Lavoro
L’INAIL, Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro, persegue una pluralità di obiettivi: ridurre il fenomeno infortunistico; assicurare i lavoratori che svolgono attività a rischio; garantire il reinserimento nella vita lavorativa degli infortunati sul lavoro. L’INAIL, così come accade per altri enti della Pubblica Amministrazione (INPS, ad esempio), decide di muoversi alacremente per decongestionare la lavorazione delle pratiche e snellire il rapporto ente-utente, scegliendo il documento digitale come strumento e Adobe come fornitore e consulente.... Segue
Case History |
Adobe Pubblica Amministrazione (Ita)
INPS, Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale
In linea con le direttive strategiche dettate dal Ministero dell’Innovazione e Tecnologie, l’Istituto persegue... Segue
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Adobe Banche e Assicurazioni (Eng)
Los Angeles Firemen’s Credit Union
Reduce operating costs and errors associated with customer transactions
To lower operating costs, LAFCU wanted to automate numerous forms-based processes. Employees use more than 50 forms on a regular basis for internal needs... Segue
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Adobe Banche e Assicurazioni (Eng)
Increase profits in the surety market
The surety market is challenging for Safeco and other providers due to high competition, low profit margins, and the complexity of issuing the bonds. Because surety involves three parties—a principal, such as a building contractor needing... Segue
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Adobe Banche e Assicurazioni (Eng)
Open Access Limited
Streamline plan administration
Handling maintenance on pension plans can drain administrative resources. Every account change, such as new hires or altering contributions, requires that appropriate forms be processed. In some cases, it might take weeks for participants to make changes to plans, due to delays in locating, completing, and mailing forms. Further delays can result as OAL staff... Segue
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Adobe Banche e Assicurazioni (Eng)
Increase profits in the surety market
The surety market is challenging for Safeco and other providers due to high competition, low profit margins, and the complexity of issuing the bonds. Because surety involves three parties—a principal, such as a building contractor needing... Segue
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Adobe Produzione (Eng)
The Dow Chemical Company
Automate the generation of customer-facing shipping documents
Every product that Dow ships is accompanied by many documents such as safety sheets, regulatory
guidelines, product certificates, invoices, and other materials. Generating these documents on preprinted forms using manual processes was time-consuming and... Segue
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Adobe Pubblica Amministrazione (Eng)
State Environmental Agencies
Minimize administrative burdens on businesses
The Federal Clean Water Act requires businesses that release pollutants to obtain National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Permits and report on contaminants they release into the water system. In accordance with the permits, approximately... Segue
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